Talbott Cup 2015 – M2B (M4)

Report by Alex Bogomil

A most amazing Lent Term 2015 was coming to its end, and the epic adventures of the most unlucky and the least known of the Sidney Men’s Boats, the fabulous M2B, were to reach their peak and be epitomised by the Talbott Cup 2015 Race.

Having missed the Lent Bumps which had taken place not long before the Talbott Cup, the M2B were enthusiastically anticipating their first race, which was expected to immortalise our names in the Boat Club history.

During the Term all of us have demonstrated an unprecedented degree of concentration, remaining invariably devoted and hard-working, reducing the number of training sessions with subs down to five and increasing the number of successful outings up to (maybe slightly over) five. The Crew was eager to bring all the necessary success components together, including finding the best boat for the race (and accidentally the oldest boat in the whole boat house): the legendary \Lord Protector\”. We all were fully determined to prove that M2B was actually a boat and not a concept. In that positive mood we approached the big day.

On the day of the race the Crew were highly motivated and focused. We knew that we had already made it into the semi-finals (having only four boats racing in the division)

the most unlucky boat simply was not allowed to have a boring ordinary race. So it started with… no keys for the boat house to unlock the cox box.


 and secondly it would not have been a problem had it been a standard outing

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