W1 Winter Head 2014

W1 met their first milestone on their quest for Fairbairns glory this weekend in Winter Head. Our race preparation started on Wednesday morning with one of those outings where you’re miraculously rowing much better than you have at any point before that in the term (\I’m on such a rowing high!!!\” – Camille Lardy). We continued this with a solid outing on Thursday morning

meeting at the preposterously early time of 7 am on a Saturday. We set off in plenty of time

The morning was cool and slightly misty” alt=” so that by the time our boat was called to set off we were raring to go just to warm ourselves up. We built up the rate before the start with a solid rhythm set by stern pair Camille and Kate and started off the race with a firm but relaxed power ten. Lead by some excellent coxing by Tom Hitchcock we kept our rush in check through the gut and pulled round the corner onto the reach where we pulled out our signature pair pushes. Tom’s calls of \”Do it for each other\” spurred us on” >

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