W2 Lent Bumps 2014 – Day 1

For W2, Day 1 of bumps started with nervous excitement, with most of the crew not having competed before. However, the row up was focused and smooth, with a good practice start outside The Plough that boosted everyone’s confidence. Despite our inexperience, when it came down to the gun the start was fantastic, immediately resulting in a whistle from the bank. We continued strong and together, and very quickly started reeling in Clare Hall W1. Then all the term’s hard work paid off as the continuous whistling began, followed by our amazing cox, Amy, exclaimed, \We’ve bumped!!\”. And we managed all this before the motorway bridge!!

We especially want to thank Jessie Beech for her excellent motivational speech and cheering from the bank. And of course Pete’s friend John

we wouldn’t have done it (so quickly at least :P) without him!

And now to continue as we have begun

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