W1-Lent Bumps Days 3&4

Day 3 was W1’s opportunity to get revenge on Homerton. With a sharp row-up to the start we prepared to chase them right down to the finish line! However we were too evenly matched and we held them at station distance for the whole race. It was a gutsy row over at the very least.

We approached the last day with the same attitude…it was all or nothing. The start was easily the best start we have ever done but to our surprise we were quickly being caught up on by a very fast Christs crew. We kept it calm and tried to push off them as best we could but they were just too fast and did catch us.

Lent Bumps didn’t go quite as planned but that is just the nature of bumps. W1 have been absolutely super this term and we’re all looking forward to Mays!!

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