Lent Bumps 2011 – Day 4 W1

After getting bumped by Murray Edwards yesterday, we were anxious for a good row today. We had our best start of bumps so far, and felt strong down First Post Reach. When we reached First Post Corner, Jesus II was a length behind us. We had take a wide turn around LMBC II banked in the Gut, which allowed Jesus II to gain half a length around Grassy Corner, with Fitzwilliam a half length behind them. Jesus inched up on us through Plough Reach, bringing their bow ball to overlap. We kept our heads, and by the time we went into Ditton Corner, we had pushed off Jesus a bit. After a hard push by the crew and an excellent line by our cox, we pulled away from Jesus around Ditton Corner and then gained a length at the top of the Long Reach. Fitz caught Jesus halfway down the Reach, and we had a solid row down the rest of the course. We finished with a hard-fought row over that we were all proud of.

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