18 miles rowed and over £1000 raised!

On 28th September two crews from SSBC successfully completed the annual CRA Sponsored Row to Ely, over a distance of approximately 18 miles.

Both crews arrived in Ely in just under 4 hours – an impressive time considering we had a long wait to go through the lock at Bottisham. The weather was ideal and it was a great day out for everyone, even if many of us finished blistered and sunburnt with various aches and pains!

In the women\\’s VIII were be Beth Parker, Caroline Carter, Hannah Taylor, Henrietta Mair, Lisa Meegan, Sarah Day, Sarah Parks and Tasha Scott, coxed by Dave Thorn. The men\\’s IV was Chris Hawkesford, Craig Naylor, Joe Payton and Marcus Baumann, with cox Veronica Yan.

SSBC were raising money for Sue Ryder Care after one of our members tragically lost her father to cancer over the summer. So far £1000 has been raised, but you can still donate {link} href=\\’http://www.justgiving.com/ssbcrowtoely\\’>here{endlink}. SSBC also donated £120 to the organisers\\’ official charity, Assocation for Youth with ME.

{italic}Report by Beth Parker:{enditalic}

We set out in brilliant sunshine, all a little apprehensive of the daunting task that lay ahead. After settling into a steady pace we soon reached Baitsbite Lock, where we had to lift the boat out of the water and carry it over the lock. This was quite challenging as there was lots of extra water in the boat and a steep and slippy bank to walk down. We set off again at a slightly lower but more sustainable rating whilst Dave sang ‘Row, row, row your boat’ to us!

As we reached Bottisham Lock we had to wait in a queue for roughly an hour before we could go through so we relaxed and enjoyed the sunshine, tending to any blisters that were beginning to form. Going through the lock was quite an exciting new experience that led us on to a part of the river that college crews are not normally allowed to row on.

We continued to row on at a steady state enjoying the nice weather and the pretty if unexciting scenery. Muscles were beginning to tire when we were about 10 miles in, but instead of pulling in like the men, we rowed past them and rolled in sixes to take on food and water. Before long Dave could see the Ely cathedral in the distance which gave us a final lift to take us into Ely.

A fantastic effort from both the mens\\’ four and the womens\\’ eight meant that both crews arrived within four hours of setting off which was a brilliant achievement. It was a really enjoyable day for a very worthy cause. A big thank you to everyone who has supported and sponsored us so far!

Click here to donate to Sue Ryder!

Women\\'s VIII in Bottisham Lock

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